Causes we are passionate about

There has been a 150% rise over the past year in reported hate crimes against the Asian American community, disproportionately against Asian women. Eliasan Consulting has signed a pledge along with other businesses to commit to providing resources and support for employees. The firm also donates a percentage of net profits to community-based organizations such as the Asian Pacific Fund that offer support in ending discrimination and violence against the Asian American community.

The LDF is a non-profit legal organization that focuses on racial justice and diverse representation within the US. The primary activities they perform are advocacy, litigation, public education, and charitable giving. Eliasan donates a percentage of annual net profits toward this organization.


Celebrating more than 80 years representing America’s small-business owners, NSBA is a nonpartisan organization with 65,000 members in every state and every industry in the U.S. They are proud to be the nation’s first small-business advocacy organization. Our executive leadership has been active in NSBA’s Leadership Council since 2019, advocating for small business representation and inclusivity across sectors.

International Rescue Committee is a nonprofit organization that helps people who are affected by humanitarian crises throughout the world. The organization's core values are Integrity, Service, Accountability, and Equality. Eliasan donates a percentage of annual net profits toward this organization.

The mission of Asian Americans Advancing Justice is to promote equality and justice for the Asian American community that lives and thrives in the United States. Its axis revolves around the promise of opportunity, which motivated people from all over Asia to move here and establish lives and families. AAJC is committed to promoting a fair and equitable society for everyone. Eliasan donates a percentage of annual net profits toward this organization.